Workday Reports will be continuously added and improved. If you need to make a request for a new report or a change to a report, complete Financial Reports- Request New or Financial Reports- Request Change to Existing in the ServiceNow Services Portal.

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Process Area Report Type Workday Report Name Description Audience Similar Legacy Report Status
Transaction SPD Man Hour Report Provides hours and dollars for employees working on a grant. Run out of EDW. All N/A In Production
Management Sponsored Award Budget Expense by Object Class - (SABER) Similar to the SABER but displays award real-time budgets, commitments, obligations, spend, remaining balance at the object class level. Drill down into transactions originated in Workday including supplier invoices, expense reports, purchase orders, requisitions, and accounting journals. All PEB - Project Expense and Budget Report In Production
Master Data Extract Grants Provides a listing of all grants and related worktags. It can be run by grant, hierarchy, fund, cost center. All N/A In Production
Master Data Extract Awards This report provides a listing of awards and award header attributes. It returns results quickly when run for all awards. It can be run by award, status, and award group. Grants and Contracts will use this report to identify awards imported from OSP as well as for a master list of awards. All N/A In Production
Master Data Find Awards This report provides a listing of awards, header attributes, line detail amounts, billing amounts, amendments, rate agreements, and award balances.  It should not be run wide open, but for specified parameters. Grants and Contracts will use this report to identify awards imported from OSP as well as for a master list of awards. All N/A In Production
Management GT Find Award Group This report can be run by award or award group to show the awards within an award group as well as the applicable sponsor. Grants and Contracts will use this report as a validation to make sure the awards are in the correct award group, which is used for identifying billing portfolios. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Basis Limit Audit Report This report displays a listing of awards with basis limits and includes key information such as basis limit amount consumed, remaining, and F&A amount billed, for award and award line/grant. It can be run to show only where basis limit is exceeded as well. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction GTCR Journal Lines for Award Cost Reimbursable Reconciliation Used in billing to view the journal lines for a cost reimbursable award and compare to the billing details of the journal line.  Details include the cost reimbursable line billing status, grant status, and sponsor invoices. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Cost Reimbursable Line Status Used during billing to identify the transactions awaiting settlement, pending award line date review, on hold, unbillable, ready to bill, and billed. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Find Customer Invoice Search for a listing of customer invoices by sponsor, date, invoice type, status. This will return invoices whether or not they are associated to an award and should be used for viewing invoices to GTRC and GTARC. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction View Sponsor Invoice for Award Displays all invoices for an award. This report is included in the award component or can be run separately. All N/A In Production
Transaction Find Purchase Orders – Audit Report – CR This company level report is similar to ‘Find Purchase Orders – CR’, except it is not based on the Awaiting Person, and has additional prompts and columns. It has default prompts for a Document Date within the past week, a prompt for Supplier Category, prompts for Autosourced or Non-AutoSourced, and Catalog or Non-Catalog Purchase Orders. It displays Supplier information, along with Requisition, Supplier Invoices, Receipts, and Supplier Contract information. Central Office N/A In Production
Transaction Purchase Order Lines Not Fully Received by Organization - CR Displays Purchase Order lines where the Quantity Received does not equal the Quantity Ordered. Using the prompts provided, the report can assist with identifying lines that have not been fully received. All N/A In Production
Management Purchase Orders for Small or Minority Businesses - GTCR Displays paid purchase orders associated with small businesses, including veteran owned small business, service disabled veteran owned small business, HUB Zone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women owned small business. Central Office N/A In Production
Transaction Backlog Report - CR Displays a count of Requisitions awaiting each Buyer, including Unassigned, in columns for ranges of a number of days in queue. For use by Business Services only. Central Office N/A In Production
Transaction PCard Change Verification - CR Accesses the Procurement Card Transaction Verification object and returns one row per verification. Includes all transactions for the selected Company and Company Hierarchy, where Transaction Type is Procurement Card. Contains built-in prompts. For use by Business Services only. Central Office N/A In Production
Management Purchase Order Line Obligation Report for Campus – CR The purpose of this campus level report is to identify issues that lie between a purchase order and associated supplier invoice(s). The report identifies issues where supplier invoice lines are not liquidating appropriately against the associated purchase order lines. Report prompts allow the user run the full report or refine search results to specific cost centers, purchase orders and/or specific suppliers. All N/A In Production
Transaction Find Purchase Order Lines and Line Splits by Organization - CR Displays a list of Purchase Order lines and splits within the prompted parameters as well as other relevant information (cost center, supplier, amount, status, line splits, worktags, etc.). Secured by cost center. For all campus users. All N/A In Production
Management Purchase Order Line Obligation Report - CR The purpose of this company level report is to identify issues that lie between a purchase order and associated supplier invoice(s). The report identifies issues where supplier invoice lines are not liquidating appropriately against the associated purchase order lines. Report prompts allow the user run the full report or refine search results to specific cost centers, purchase orders and/or specific suppliers. Central Office N/A In Production
Management Find Requisitions Sent Back - CR Displays send back reasons on requisitions. This report can only be run by Central Offices, but units interested in seeing common reasons their requisitions are being sent back can request the Procurement team to run it for their cost center via ServiceNow. Central Office N/A In Production
Management E-Verify Supplier Contract (Title 13) - CR Displays supplier contracts with an E-verify ID, in the format of the Title 13 report that is submitted to the state. For use by Business Services. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management Purchase Order Obligation and Expense Ledger Summary - GTCR Report will be used to analyze and research Purchase Order obligations and actuals spending against those obligations. This includes compiling lapsable amounts for certain funds as well as identifying situations where expense and obligations recorded related to a purchase order may exceed the rolling obligation balance. All N/A In Production
Transaction Find Requisitions by Organization - CR Displays a list of requisitions within the prompted parameters as well as other relevant information (company, amount, supplier, status, line splits, etc.). Secured by cost center. For all campus users. All N/A In Production
Transaction Find Requisition Lines and Line Splits by Organization - CR Displays a list of requisition lines and splits within the prompted parameters as well as other relevant information (company, amount, supplier, status, line splits, etc.). Secured by cost center. For all campus users All N/A In Production
Transaction PCard Attestation - CR Displays a list of PCard transaction verifications alongside the status of Cardholder attestation for each. Central Offices N/A In Production
