Workday Reports will be continuously added and improved. If you need to make a request for a new report or a change to a report, complete Financial Reports- Request New or Financial Reports- Request Change to Existing in the ServiceNow Services Portal.

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Process Area Report Type Workday Report Name Description Audience Similar Legacy Report Status
Transaction Award Audit Summary - GTCR Displays supporting detail to sponsors at the summary transaction level for expenses that have been billed. This report shows award master detail such as the sponsor, PI, award dates, budget, and amendments. The report also shows those transactions that have been billed or partially billed. As such, it is not intended to match the SABER, as the SABER shows all expenses including cost share, ready to bill, unbillable, etc. This report does not include transactions where the object class = Unallocated. Search by award, sponsor, period, and accounting date. Central Office N/A In Production
Transaction Questionnaire Responses - Cost Transfer Displays questionnaire responses from the two Cost Transfer Questionnaires, used by Grants Compliance. Central Office N/A In Production
Management G&C Recon Matrix Spon Exp by Cost Center Displays sponsored award expenditures for Resident Instruction and Other Units. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Find Sponsor Invoices for Company Displays any invoice that is associated with an award for a given sponsor(s). This report can be filtered further from within the result set using a unique UI with additional criteria on the right hand side. This is the primary way to view sponsor invoices for Grants and Contracts. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Find Customer Invoice Displays a listing of customer invoices by sponsor, date, invoice type, status. This will return invoices whether or not they are associated to an award and should be used for viewing invoices to GTRC and GTARC. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Letter of Credit Reconciliation Report Displays the draw downs to date, remittance advice, pro forma at time of draw, and payment applications by award. Use this to analyze draws by award or letter of credit (LoC) after the LoC is drawn as needed. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Pro Forma Letter of Credit Draw Down Displays what is eligible to be drawn in a letter of credit. This report can be run prior to drawing the letter of credit to view what will be drawn. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management GTCR Letter of Credit Billing Schedule Checkup Used as a quality control to check that billing schedules for awards with a letter of credit assigned are setup correctly to support billing and the GTRC integration.  The report returns all awards with a LoC, and displays the invoice type and schedule type. Filter to make sure all awards have a billing schedule with an invoice type = LoC Draw and a Schedule Type = LoC. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management Installment Billing schedules requiring action Identifies any upcoming installments or installment awards with a billing schedule status that is either on hold, in error, or in draft. Run this report without prompts or by sponsor or schedule status for Installment awards Central Offices N/A In Production
Management Find Billing Schedules Displays a listing of all billing schedules including Cost Reimbursable. Identifies schedules on hold, in error, in draft, etc. View the total line amount, ready to bill amount, and billed amount for each billing schedule and sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management Find Sponsors Displays a list of sponsors and related attributes. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management Awards by Sponsor Provides the authorized direct cost, indirect, and total for each sponsor as well as a count of the number of awards. All with drill down and grouped by award status. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction G&C GTRC Standard BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a GTRC Standard invoice type. No signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction G&C GIT Standard BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a GIT Standard invoice type. No signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction G&C GTRC Standard Certification Required BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a GTRC Standard invoice type. Includes signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction G&C GTRC Custom Certification Required BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a GTRC Standard invoice type. Requires special signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction G&C GIT Standard Certification Required BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a GTRC Standard invoice type. Includes signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction SF1034 BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a SF1034 invoice type. Includes signature. Used to send current month billing and billed to date to sponsor. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management GT LoC Reversal Used to identify letter of credit transactions that need to be reversed using Ad Hoc Bank Transactions. Run the report after a LoC draw. Copy the amount, grants, and date into the LoC AHBT template and upload to reverse out the LoC generated cash entries. Central Offices N/A In Production
Transaction Sponsored Financial Statement Displays sponsored expenditures used for Grants billing. Central Offices N/A In Production
Management SABER - Sponsored Award Budget Expense Report Displays award real-time budgets, commitments, obligations, spend, remaining balance and grant attributes. Drill down into transactions originated in Workday including supplier invoices, expense reports, purchase orders, requisitions, and accounting journals. Summarize by award, grant, cost center, PI and other attributes. Provides the ability to drill into budgets and costs by object class, detailed transaction ID, etc. All PEB - Project Expense and Budget Report In Production
Transaction SF270 BIRT PDF Invoice form for awards with a SF270 invoice type. Includes signature. This form only applies to federal sponsors and includes current month billing, direct indirect, cost share, and billed to date. Central 270 In Production
Transaction Cost Share Certification Used to provide external cost share reporting to sponsors. Central N/A In Testing
Transaction Award Audit Detail - GTCR Displays supporting detail to sponsors at the transaction level for expenses that have been billed. This report only shows those transactions that have been billed or partially billed. As such, it is not intended to match the SABER, as the SABER shows all expenses including cost share, ready to bill, unbillable, etc. This report does not include transactions where the object class = Unallocated. Search by award, customer invoice ID, sponsors, and accounting date. Central N/A In Production
Transaction SF425 The SF425 Federal Financial Report is a federally mandated report to provide federal sponsors information on a periodic basis for a particular award. The report includes cash receipts, federal expenses, indirect expenses, cost share, and other financial information. Central 425 In Testing
